Woman tries grandmother’s 1950s honeymoon wardrobe and people can’t believe how good it is


Having a great sense of style is something that will always be in fashion. If you choose classic clothes, they can be passed down through many generations!

This grandmother took amazing care of her wedding dress, and her granddaughter wore it with just as much style 70 years later!

Maddy Bill, who lives in Ambler, Pennsylvania, is 27 years old. She made a TikTok video to showcase the bag that her grandma, Marie D’Alessandro Donato, who is 91, gifted her.

The stuff inside the suitcase is really interesting. It has all the dresses her grandma wore when she went to New York in 1952 for her honeymoon. The video says that this is the first time anyone has opened the suitcase in seventy years!

To keep it safe for her kids and grandkids, her grandmother, who went on her honeymoon with her late husband Anthony James Donato, made sure to wash every piece of clothing she wore. And guess what? It worked! Even after 70 years, thousands of people are still enjoying what she did online.

“I’ve known about this suitcase for as long as I can remember. My mom found it when she was a bit older, and she shared the story with me. She kept it safe for my sister and me until we were old enough to appreciate it,” she said during an interview.

I opened it and thought, “Wow, this is the most amazing thing ever!” It made me remember so much, especially my grandparents. My grandfather died about 21 years ago, so thinking about those times with them is really special. It’s just awesome!

The Donatos, her grandparents, tied the knot in 1952 and celebrated their honeymoon in New York City that May, exploring spots in Manhattan such as The New Yorker Hotel.

Bill said, “She was all like, ‘I didn’t mind at all because I was with my honey’ — that’s what she called my grandpa. She had an amazing time just being with him and soaking it all up. It was a special moment in their lives when they could finally start a family and live out all those dreams she had always wanted.”

The Donato grandparents got married in 1952 and celebrated their honeymoon in New York City that May, exploring spots in Manhattan such as The New Yorker Hotel.

After she shared a video showing only her luggage, she got tons of replies telling her to try on the dresses. So, she decided to give it a go! She put on her grandma’s dresses and accessorized with her jewelry.

She fit everything well. She also remarked on how well-preserved the clothing was.

Madeline said, “It’s amazing that they have stayed in such good shape for 70 years! Some of the pieces even have elastic, and they still bounce back like new.”

She showed off her first creation to her fans, a dress that has fascinated her since she was little. It has short sleeves and hugs the waist in a sleek black design. She shares that during her time at the New Yorker hotel, she often saw a photo of her grandma in that dress, and it always caught her eye.

She also put on a classy gray jacket, a skirt, and a sleeveless top that she said her grandma wore on the train to the big city. There’s no question that she has great style!

She can’t wait to show everyone a special side of her grandmother and highlight what an amazing woman she is.

Madeline Bill claims to have told her grandma about how well-known she has become and how the entire world admires her sense of style.

I really want to keep it for someone special. Maybe for my future child or a younger friend, because I don’t want it to just be something that gets worn out. I want it to be something meaningful for someone in my future, just like my grandmother did for me.

This is such a great story that shows the special bond between a grandma and her granddaughter!

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