Strongman gives update from hospital after snapping both tendons causing kneecaps to ‘shoot up into his thighs’

The dad was rushed to hospital where he was operated on for five hours

A strongman recently gave an update from the hospital after he injured himself badly. He said that his kneecaps moved up into his thighs when he snapped both of his tendons.

Dan Jones had a terrible accident that was caught on video during the Strongman final in Southport on September 1st.

He has been in the hospital since that day because he has to relearn how to walk after a big surgery.

A dad was really close to crossing the finish line while carrying 80kg when he suddenly fell to the ground. Even though he mentioned that the medical team isn’t sure what caused it, he ended up tearing both of his patellar tendons.

The freak accident was caught on camera. (Kennedy News and Media)

This tendon connects the thigh muscle to the shin bone, which helps to straighten the knee when you walk or climb up and down stairs.

The 29-year-old explained, “When I slowed down the video of the doctors and surgeons, it seems like my right knee’s patellar tendon just suddenly snaps, making my leg collapse under me.”

My left knee buckled, and when I hit the ground, I heard a loud snap from my tendon. It felt like I was burning up, and my kneecaps seemed to disappear into my thighs because my tendons had torn.

“The weirdest thing I remember is silence. The whole crowd was cheering everyone on and then it went deathly silent and I just lay on the floor.”

Viewers praised him for ‘getting faster’. (TikTok/danj3903)

Jones was quickly taken to the hospital where he had a five-hour surgery to reconnect his tendons. He has been in the hospital ever since.

Through TikTok he’s been sharing progress of his recovery and a recent video showed him on day 19 making great progress.

The video shows him using a walker to reach the door labeled ‘home’ and then returning.

Day 19 and I’m reaching for the exit door, wishing to leave the hospital and go home, he wrote in the caption. “We’re not too far off; I just need to be able to stand on my own. We’re almost there.”

@danj3903 Day 19 and im touching the exit door hoping to get out the hospital and home. Were not a million miles away i just need be able to stand up in my own. Were getting close #strongman #injury #injuryrecovery #rupturedtendon #rupturedpatellartendon #recovery #story ♬ original sound – DreamKickr

Doctors have said Jones won’t be able to walk without assistance until at least February next year.

He dreams of competing for England in the Open Strongman competition in five years, but his doctor unfortunately mentioned that it’s ‘very rare’ he’ll be able to perform at that level again.

“But we don’t know until I start healing,” Jones added.

“My biggest goal is to be a dad, and be able to chase my daughter around and play with her. I should be able to go to the gym and do aspects of the Strongman things.”

Featured Image Credit: Kennedy News and Media/TikTok/danj3903

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