People are only just realising what WC toilet sign actually stands for

What does WC mean? I think most people usually call it the ‘bathroom’ or ‘restroom’ if they want to sound fancy.

But it turns out that there’s another name we used to call it and it’s completely blown my little mind.

It turns out that the ‘WC’ stamped on bathroom doors actually means something – and that something is ‘water closet’.

What makes it even worse is that there’s a perfectly good reason behind it too.

A long time ago, when people went to the bathroom, it was really to take a bath.

Using the bathroom is usually for taking a break or getting ready for the day, like washing your hands and looking in the mirror.

If you actually needed to take a leak, you would use the water closet to use the toilet.

At least I wasn’t the only baffled person, as many on social media are just as dazed as I am.

“What do you mean wc stands for water closet……..” one person commented.

Another added: “I was 23 y/o when I learned that WC is called water closet.”

At least you’re not 27.

“I call MINE a bathroom,” someone else revealed.

“I call the ones in public, restrooms.

“I know what a water closet is, but don’t use it (don’t use the word – do use the WC).”

A TikToker recently became super popular for talking about a secret rule about urinals that “every guy knows” when it comes to bathrooms.

Posted by stand-up comedian, Freddy Quinne, he says men have an unwritten rule about having a wee in a public urinal.

Freddie says: “Nobody’s ever discussed this with us, nobody’s gone out and set the rules but we all know which place to have a p*ss is acceptable and which one isn’t.

He explains that if you have five empty urinals in a row, the only reasonable decision is to use the first one on the left, or the last one on the right.

There are five urinals lined up in a row, and the rule is that if you walk in and all of them are empty, you should choose either the first one on the left or the last one on the right, Freddie explains.

“Now, if number one or number five are both being used, then you use the one in the middle, urinal number three.

When you do that, it creates a little gap between you and the other two people using the bathroom. It feels kind of strange to just go right next to someone when you could choose to have some space instead.

“The only time you would ever use urinals two and four, is when one, three and five are occupied.

“There’s no other reason for using them…ever.”

As a lad I can assure you that this Freddie is spot on here.

Loo, toilet, bathroom, restroom, bog.

These are all words we use for the place where we can shut out the rest of the world and attend to our business, and also probably check our phones for a few minutes.

When you’re out and about and really need to find a bathroom, you usually see signs that say ‘WC.’ It’s funny because those letters don’t actually show up in the word ‘toilet’ at all.

So, what does it even mean?

It turns out that the ‘WC’ stamped on bathroom doors actually means something – and that something is ‘water closet’.

What makes it even worse is that there’s a perfectly good reason behind it too.

Back in the day, when someone would use the bathroom, it would actually be to take a bath.

When one would use the restroom, it would supposedly be to rest or get ready for the day by using the sink and mirror.

If you really had to go to the bathroom, you would use the restroom to take care of business.

I’m glad I wasn’t the only one confused; a lot of people on social media feel just as lost as I do.

“What do you mean wc stands for water closet……..” one person commented.

Another added: “I was 23 y/o when I learned that WC is called water closet.”

At least you’re not 27.

“I call MINE a bathroom,” someone else revealed.

“I call the ones in public, restrooms.

“I know what a water closet is, but don’t use it (don’t use the word – do use the WC).”

A TikToker recently became super popular for talking about a secret rule about urinals that “every guy knows” when it comes to bathrooms.

Posted by stand-up comedian, Freddy Quinne, he says men have an unwritten rule about having a wee in a public urinal.

Freddie mentions that no one has ever talked to them about this topic or made any official rules. However, everyone seems to understand where it’s okay to go to the bathroom and where it’s not.

He explains that if you have five empty urinals in a row, the only reasonable decision is to use the first one on the left, or the last one on the right.

There are five urinals lined up in a row, and the rule is that if you walk in and all of them are empty, you should choose either the first one on the left or the last one on the right, Freddie explains.

“Now, if number one or number five are both being used, then you use the one in the middle, urinal number three.

When you do that, it creates a little gap between you and the other two people using the bathroom. It feels kind of strange to just go right next to someone when you could choose to have some space instead.

“The only time you would ever use urinals two and four, is when one, three and five are occupied.

“There’s no other reason for using them…ever.”

As a lad I can assure you that this Freddie is spot on here.

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