Most time, we take things for granted and fail to appreciate what we have until it’s too late.
Regretting things we did wrong or missed out on is just a normal part of being human. Sometimes, life gives us a chance to fix our mistakes, but other times, we have to deal with our regrets and feel sad about the opportunities we let slip away.
Have you ever thought about what people like us regret the most?
Bronnie Ware, a nurse who has spent a lot of time caring for patients in their final days, shares the top five regrets of those who know their time is running out.
In her book, “The Top Five Regrets of the Dying: A Life Transformed by the Dearly Departing,” she explains, “My patients were those who had gone home to die. Some incredibly special times were shared. I was with them for the last three to twelve weeks of
1. “I Wish I had the Courage to Live a Life True to Myself and Not for Others”
In the final days of their lives, a lot of people think about all the things they didn’t get to do. It’s normal to look back and feel regret about not living the life they truly wanted, often because they worried about what others might think.
Ware points out that “Most people had not honored even half of their dreams and had to die knowing that it was due to choices they had made or not made.”
This is a strong reminder that we should always chase our goals and dreams, no matter what others say.
2.“I Wish I hadn’t Worked so Hard”
Sometimes, our busy work lives can make it hard to find time for our family and friends. When we focus too much on being successful, getting famous, and making money, we might end up feeling a bit empty inside and miss out on important moments with the people we care about.
3.“I wish I had the Courage to express my Feelings”
A lot of people struggle with being brave enough to share their true feelings and be honest with others. Instead of speaking up, we often choose to keep quiet so we don’t hurt someone else’s feelings about their actions. But by doing this, we end up hurting ourselves because we hold back our thoughts and emotions.
Sometimes, we even feel embarrassed to tell our family and friends just how much we care about them and what they mean to us.
Ware points out that many people look back and wish they had expressed their feelings more.
4.“I Wish I had stayed in Touch with my Friends”
As time goes on, what we care about can shift. But we should always make sure to stay close to the people who used to be really important in our lives. Ware has seen many people regret not putting enough time and energy into their friendships.
“Many of them only understood how valuable their friends were during their last days, and it wasn’t easy to find those friends then,” she said.
5. “I Wish I had let myself be Happier”
Happiness is something we can choose for ourselves.
Ware mentioned that many of her patients, who were nearing the end of their lives, often pretended to be happy because they were scared of change. But inside, they really wanted to enjoy life and laugh freely. We shouldn’t let fear stop us from pursuing what makes us truly happy.
In the end, we will only look back and regret the opportunities we missed!
Make sure to SHARE this article with your family and friends on Facebook to remind everyone that life is short, and we should strive to make the most of it.