A mom who is pregnant and has three kids has to sell her stroller to provide for her children since her husband left her.
Anne Sargent was sitting on the kitchen floor, tears streaming down her face. It was way past midnight, and this was the only moment she could let her feelings out, while her three kids were peacefully sleeping upstairs.
She felt a little kick from the baby inside her and gently put her hand on her belly. “I’m so sorry,” she murmured to her unborn baby. “I’m trying really hard, but it just doesn’t seem to be enough…”

Just two months ago, Anne was a super happy wife and mom, eagerly waiting for her fourth baby to arrive. She felt secure in her life and believed her husband loved her. But that woman was no longer there.
One night, Derek came home and dropped a bombshell: he was leaving her. “Why?” Anne asked, confused. “I thought we were happy!”
“YOU were happy!” Derek shouted. “YOU, not me! All you did was take care of the kids, and now there’s another one coming!”
“But you wanted kids!” Anne argued. “You seemed happy every time I was pregnant…”
A family should be built on understanding and respect for each other.
“Happy?” Derek yelled. “Happy that you gave all your love to the kids? I was just a paycheck to you! Well, that’s done!”
Three months after Anne shared the news of her fourth pregnancy, Derek left. To support herself, Anne quickly found a part-time job at a nearby grocery store.
The store owner offered her a full-time position, but Anne realized she would need to hire a babysitter for her three boys, which would take up most of her paycheck. So, she made sure to manage her earnings wisely. Even with the child support Derek sent, it still wasn’t enough to cover everything.
To make ends meet, Anne started selling some antique china that had belonged to her grandmother, which helped pay the utility bills for a few months. Then, she sold a silver brush-and-mirror set she had cherished since childhood, and that covered the grocery costs. As her pregnancy progressed, Anne continued to part with her belongings to keep her family fed and secure.
Eventually, she ran out of valuable items to sell, leaving only some knick-knacks. The only thing left was an old stroller she had taken from the cellar.
This stroller had been hers as a baby and had been used by all her children. It was quite old, likely from the sixties, but it was still in great shape.
She gently touched the roses painted on the side and fought back tears. She needed it for the new baby, but the money was even more crucial.
She considered how much she could get for it at the flea market. Vintage items were always in demand. So, she took the stroller there, and one of the vendors offered her $50. It wasn’t a lot, but every little bit helped.
Anne walked away, sure she’d never see the stroller again, but she was wrong. Two days later, she opened the front door and saw the stroller on the porch!
There was an envelope inside, and Anne opened it to find a note that said, “Please call me,” along with a phone number. Anne dialed the number, and a woman picked up.
“Hello?” Anne said. “Are you the one who left the stroller? How did you know it was mine and where I lived?”
“Derek told me,” the woman replied. “I’m Grace Robbs. I think we should meet.”
An hour later, Grace was on Anne’s couch, sipping tea. She was a pretty woman, maybe six or seven years younger than Anne, but she looked really sad. Her skin was pale and blotchy, and her eyes were puffy like she had been crying.
“How do you know Derek?” Anne asked, even though she had a feeling she already knew the answer.
“I was his girlfriend,” Grace admitted.
“Was?” Anne questioned. “Did you break up?”
“Yeah, just today,” Grace said, tears starting to fall. “I didn’t know… I didn’t know about you or the kids, or the baby… I just found out I was pregnant, and I didn’t know how to tell him…”
“So, I went to the flea market with a friend and saw this cute stroller. I bought it and put it in the living room with balloons tied to it and a note that said, ‘Hello Dad!’”
“But he wasn’t happy like I thought he’d be. He started screaming and asking where II got the stroller and if his stupid wife had given it to me. He asked if it was a joke.”
He told me to return it immediately because he didn’t want to hear about your baby. So I replied, “It’s for OUR baby,” and that’s when he lost it.
“He accused me of trying to trap him and said he already had three kids with you and another one on the way, and he didn’t want my baby. He told me to leave and go back to you.”
“He said, ‘Might as well have all the breeding cows under one roof.’ I’m really sorry, I didn’t know about you, and I guess I didn’t know him at all!”
Anne stood up and wrapped her arm around the girl who was crying. “It’s okay. Everything will be alright, you’ll see.”
“He’s thrown me out,” Grace said softly. “I don’t have any family here and nowhere to go. I have a job, but with the rent prices in this city, I can’t afford to live on my own, and who would want a pregnant roommate?”
“I will!” Anne said with determination. “I need someone to share the rent because my income isn’t enough, and I can’t work full-time since I can’t pay for a babysitter after school.”
“But…” Grace’s expression brightened. “I work online! I can look after the kids after school. I love being around kids!”
“So I can finally take a full-time job?” Anne asked, excited. “The grocery store owner wants me to manage it for him. With your help, I can do it! And you don’t have to worry about baby stuff. After three kids, I have enough supplies for an army.”
Grace smiled through her tears. “And we have the stroller too…” she reminded her. “Are you really sure? It’s Derek’s baby…”
“No,” Anne shook her head. “It’s YOUR baby, and my kids’ sibling, and that’s what really matters.”
The two women started a fresh chapter in their lives, and when Anne had her baby, Grace was right by her side. Four months later, when it was Grace’s turn, Anne was there to support her. They formed a true family and brought up their five kids together.
On the other hand, Derek went through a bunch of unsuccessful relationships and finally showed up at Anne’s place. He was surprised to find Grace there and requested to talk to Anne. “What do you need, Derek?” Anne questioned.
“I miss you, babe…” Derek replied.

Anne stared at him for a long moment then said, “Sorry, so not interested!” And she closed the door in his face.
What can we learn from this story?
If we join forces, we can tackle any challenge. Anne and Grace couldn’t make it on their own, but when they teamed up, they became unstoppable.
A family is created through understanding and respect for one another. Anne and Grace turned their friendship and support into a strong family bond.