If you see someone wearing these shoes, stop what you’re doing and look around

Sometimes, we get so wrapped up in our own problems and the tough stuff that happens every day that we forget there are people out there who have it way worse than we do.

Almost everyone you meet is dealing with some kind of struggle. Some of these battles are visible, while others are kept private. That’s why it’s super important to always be kind and treat everyone with the utmost respect.

For me, this is especially true when I interact with people who face challenges due to disabilities. They don’t need special treatment, and I’m not saying we should feel sorry for them. Instead, they often inspire us, and we should recognize that.

One way to show respect is by learning about the difficulties that people with different disabilities experience. Take the visually impaired, for instance…

I can’t imagine many challenges that would change my life as much as losing my sight. Our eyes help us understand the world around us, and without them, we would lose a sense that most of us have depended on since we were born.

Credit / Wikimedia

And yet there are, of course, people who have severely impaired sight, not to mention those who are blind.

Living with visual impairment can make getting around really tough. That’s why a new invention from an Australian company called Tec-Innovation is exciting and could really help.

They’ve designed a pair of shoes named InnoMake that use cool sensor technology to help people avoid obstacles they can’t see. These shoes have sensors that either vibrate or make sounds when they detect something in the way, similar to how car sensors beep when you’re about to hit something.

According to their YouTube channel, the shoes have special spots for the sensors, which can last for a week after being charged for just three hours.

Plus, the shoes can connect to a smartphone, letting users change settings like how they want to be alerted or how close an obstacle needs to be before they get a warning.

Have you ever seen anyone wearing shoes like this? Did you know what they mean? Let us know in the comments box.

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