Cancer Rates Rising in Gen X and Millenials Compared to Older Generations, Study Finds

A new study has been released by researchers that looks closely at cancer rates in the United States. They wanted to find out how many people are diagnosed with cancer and how many die from it across different generations over the years. The study found that Gen X and Millennials have cancer rates that are 2 to 3 times higher than those born in 1955. These younger generations are also more likely to get 17 different types of cancer. The researchers pointed out that some of the main reasons for this increase are environmental toxins, unhealthy diets, and obesity. However, they mentioned that more studies are needed to figure out other reasons behind the rising cancer rates.

The Rise of Cancer Rates in Gen X and Millennials

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In 2019, the same group of researchers did a study that showed an increase in eight types of cancer among newer generations. But up until now, no one had looked at both how often cancer happens and how many people die from it based on their birth year. This new study aimed to fill that big gap in useful information. The researchers pointed out that being exposed to cancer-causing factors when you’re young can lead to more cancer cases in people who are 50 or younger. This means that as these younger people grow older, more of them are likely to get cancer in the future.

The 17 Types of Cancer 

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The research looked at information from 23,654,000 people who had been diagnosed with 34 different kinds of cancer. It also examined data from 7,348,137 deaths related to 25 types of cancer. This information came from individuals who were diagnosed and passed away between 2000 and 2019. The findings showed that there was a rise in 17 out of the 34 cancers among Generation X and Millennials.

  • small intestine
  • cardia gastric
  • ovary
  • estrogen receptor-positive breast
  • non-HPV-associated oral and pharynx (in females)
  • liver and intrahepatic bile duct (in females)
  • Kaposi sarcoma (in males)
  • anus (in males)
  • colorectal cancer
  • endometrial cancer
  • gallbladder and other biliary
  • pancreas
  • kidney and renal pelvis
  • myeloma
  • non-cardia gastric
  • Leukemia

Increase in Incidence and Mortality in Gen X and Millennials

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Cancer cases have been rising a lot, especially for cancers like those in the pancreas, kidneys, renal pelvis, thyroid, and small intestine. They also found that death rates went up for five types of cancer: liver, endometrial, gallbladder, testicular, and colorectal cancers. This is really worrying because it shows that the increased cancer risk for Gen X and Millennials isn’t just because we’re better at finding and diagnosing cancer now. It actually points to a real and troubling increase in cancer risk for everyone. The number of new cases is increasing so fast that it’s outpacing the progress we’ve made in treatments.

The Cause of the Increase of Cancer Incidence

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The research was focused on gathering fresh information about how often cancer occurs, but it doesn’t explain why it happens. Still, the scientists already know some reasons behind it. One big reason is obesity, which is linked to 10 out of the 17 types of cancer mentioned in the study. Since the 1970s, obesity has been on the rise in all age groups, but the biggest increase has been seen in kids and teens aged 2 to 19. Other reasons for cancer include pollution in the environment, changes in sleep habits, and not being active enough.

Gut Microbiome and Dietary Factors

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The rise in cancer cases has been connected to the modern Western diet. These diets often include a lot of processed foods that are loaded with sugar, unhealthy fats, and refined grains. It’s not just that these processed foods can make people gain weight; they are also directly associated with a higher chance of getting colorectal and breast cancers. Interestingly, cancers that affect the digestive system aren’t necessarily linked to being overweight, so scientists think that changes in gut microbiomes might play a role. They believe that both Western eating habits and the use of antibiotics can significantly affect these gut microbiomes.

It’s Not All Bad News

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The study found that there has been a significant rise in 17 types of cancer among Gen X and Millennials. But there is some good news too! The research showed that some cancers are actually becoming less common. For example, women born around 1990 are now at a lower risk of getting cervical cancer. This is mainly because HPV vaccines were approved in the U.S. when these girls were about 16 years old. Additionally, fewer people are smoking, which has led to a decrease in cancers of the esophagus, larynx, and lungs. Even though the overall cancer rates have gone up for Gen X and Millennials, better early detection has helped lower the death rates.

The Bottom Line

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Every day, we learn more about cancer and what causes it, thanks to new treatments and research. But, some health problems we face when we get older can actually come from things that happened when we were younger. A recent study found that there are 17 types of cancer that are becoming more common in Gen X and millennials, which makes us wonder what modern issues are affecting younger people. The good news is that not everything is bad. Even though cancer rates are rising overall, making healthier lifestyle choices has helped reduce some types of cancer.


  1. Cancer Prevention with Nutrition and Lifestyle.” NCBI. Eva Kerschbauma and Volkmar Nüssler. July 23, 2019.
  2. Differences in cancer rates among adults born between 1920 and 1990 in the USA: an analysis of population-based cancer registry data.” The Lancet. Hyuna Sung, PhD, et al. August 2024.
  3. The importance of addressing early life environmental exposures in cancer epidemiology.” NCBI. Nicole M. Niehoff, Mandy Goldberg, and Alexandra J. White. April 5, 2022.
  4. Western Lifestyle, Global Problem: Rising Rates of Cancer in the Young.” RGA. Hilary Henly. December 2020.

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