California Mom Causes a Heated Stir by Putting Daughter’s Wrist on a Leash While Shopping

Alexis Solis, a stay-at-home mom from Los Banos, California, posted a video showing her putting her daughter on a leash while shopping at a grocery store. The video quickly went viral, racking up over 12 million views, but it also attracted a lot of negative comments. Solis defended her choice, saying it was for her child’s safety.

As a mom of two daughters and a former behavioral analysis therapist, Solis uses her social media to highlight issues related to child safety. She believes that using a toddler leash can be a helpful tool, even if some people disagree with her approach.

In her TikTok video, she can be seen asking her daughter to hold out her hand so she could attach the leash. Many viewers were taken aback by the idea, with the video receiving 12.9 million views. Some comments were harsh, with one person saying, “I hope they leash her when she’s 50,” while others called the leash “dumb.” Another viewer simply stated, “I hate those.”


Solis knew that some people were saying negative things, but she wanted to share why she thought the toddler leash was a good idea. She mentioned that she wouldn’t feel embarrassed about wanting to keep her kids safe. “I’m really tired of how the world is, but I’ll never stop protecting my girls. If that makes me look like a crazy mom, so be it,” she said.

Why Does She Support Using a Toddler Leash?
Solis explained that the leash is super helpful for kids who like to run away in crowded places. In a video responding to the negative comments, she talked about her experience as a therapist.

She pointed out that children with autism often “elope,” which means they wander off unexpectedly. Solis noted that this can be really stressful for both the child and the parent, so using a toddler leash can help keep everyone calm.

She wished she had known about the toddler leash when she was still working because she believed it would have made life easier for many parents. For her, it was also a way to protect her kids from the risk of being kidnapped.

So, this worried mom asked those who didn’t agree with her to try to understand that everyone has different situations. And for those online who were concerned about how her kids felt about the leash, Solis reassured them that her children were perfectly fine with it and only used it when they were out in public.

Solis feels a strong need to keep her kids safe, and that comes from a tough experience she had when she was younger. She shared that she was sexually assaulted as a child, which made her realize how important it is to be aware of what’s happening around her. These feelings became even stronger after she became a mom.

Not everyone agreed with her choice to use a leash for her kids, but many parents and people online understood her reasons. Solis also mentioned that her husband was unsure about the leash at first.

However, after they had their kids, he saw how crucial it was for their safety, and now he doesn’t mind what others think when they’re out in public.

A psychologist pointed out that there are other ways to teach kids self-control and how to behave in public. They suggested that keeping an eye on kids is better than using a leash. For parents who worry about their kids running away, the psychologist recommended using a stroller or a backpack, but they also noted that every family has different needs.


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Another expert believed a leash could be harmful to the children’s self-esteem, especially the dragging and pulling that would occur in public.

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