Young girl’s dirty answers prompt teacher’s brilliant comeback

A 6th grade class was in the middle of a science lesson when their teacher, Mrs. Parker, asked a question that really made them think. The room went quiet as everyone sat there, trying to figure out the answer while glancing at each other, unsure and confused.

The question was: “Class, can anyone tell me which human body part increases to ten times its size when stimulated?”

After a while, a student named Mary, who was known for being very outspoken, decided to speak up. “Mrs. Parks, you shouldn’t be asking sixth-graders something like that! I’m going to tell my parents, and they will definitely report this to the principal, who will have to fire you!” Mary exclaimed angrily.

Mrs. Parks held her composure and she simply repeated the question yet again. “Now, class, can anyone tell me which body part increases to ten times its size when stimulated?”

Mary couldn’t believe her teacher’s words and her inappropriate questioning.

She then whispered to the rest of the class: “Boy, is she going to get in big trouble!”

Mrs. Parks then encouraged the class to provide her with an answer by asking: “Anybody?”

Worried that their answers might be taken the wrong way, the students stayed quiet. Then, a smart kid named Billy got up. Even though he sounded a bit shaky, he said, “The part of the body that gets ten times bigger when it’s excited is the pupil of the eye.”

The class suddenly felt relieved as Mrs. Parks praised Billy for his contribution to the lesson.

The teacher looked at Marry with a mischievous sparkle in her eye and said, “Alright, young lady, I have three things to tell you: First, your imagination is a bit wild. Second, you didn’t do your homework. And third, someday you’re going to be really, really let down.”

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