Expert explains what you should do if you start seeing these ‘floaters’ in your eyes

Those smudges or squiggles could be a sign of something

Have you ever stared at something and thought about those strange little spots or squiggly lines, only to find out there’s nothing there?

A lot of us have probably noticed those annoying little “floaters” in our vision at some point.

Even though they are pretty common, it’s important to pay attention to them. A health expert has shared some advice on what to do if you start seeing those bothersome floaters.

Ever get these? (Getty Stock Image)

What are ‘floaters’?

Dr. Daniel Polya from the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists shared that floaters happen when the vitreous fibers, which make up about 80 percent of our eyes, clump together.

He told Daily Mail Australia, “It’s the condensation of collagen fibers. When big collagen molecules stick together, they create shadows on your retina, which you see as floaters in your vision.”

These clumps are what form those dark spots or wiggly lines that we often notice after staring at a bright light or a white wall.

What the floaters can mean

It’s really frustrating when someone comes in with retinal detachment because they had a posterior vitreous detachment that wasn’t checked out sooner, the expert explained.

Posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) is a usual condition that usually isn’t serious. It happens when the gel inside your eyes changes. However, it can sometimes lead to retinal detachment and create a big ring-shaped floater in your vision.

Dr. Polya mentioned that for people who experience PVD, there’s a five percent chance it could lead to a tear in the retina, and if that tear happens, there’s a 50 percent chance it could result in retinal detachment.

Even though a retinal tear can be treated with laser surgery, the expert emphasized the importance of catching it early to prevent more damage.

“PVD is common and not too concerning, but seeing retinal detachment is disappointing, especially in patients who could have had an eye exam when they first noticed floaters,” Dr. Polya added.

It’s important to keep check of your eye health (Getty Stock Image)

When to see an optician

It’s common to notice floaters in your vision, but it’s really important to visit an optician if you see new ones.

Dr. Polya emphasizes that seeing an optician when you first notice a floater is very important.

For many people, floaters are just a normal part of life, and we often learn to overlook them.

The expert also mentioned that laser surgery can help break up large, troublesome floaters, but it does come with some risks.

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images

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