Squatting Over The Toilet Might Risk Your Health

Squatting on the toilet while you pee might not be as good for your health as you believe. It could cause some issues if you do it for a long time and here is why…

Squatting over the toilet while you pee might not be as good for your health as you believe. It could cause issues in the long run. We understand that you need to be careful, especially in public restrooms, but there are two sides to this situation.

Viral Strange has shared four effects that squatting over the toilet can have on your body.

1. A higher risk for urinary tract infections.

Via Canva.com

If you keep squatting over the toilet, your pelvic floor muscles are around 40% tight, and your bladder isn’t completely relaxed. When you finally stand up, there might still be some urine left in your bladder. This leftover urine can cause bacteria to grow, which could result in a urinary tract infection.

2. The sensation of always needing to pee.

Via Canva.com

When you sneeze, jump, laugh, or cough, you might accidentally leak some urine from your bladder. This can also make you feel like you always have to go to the bathroom, which is really uncomfortable.

3. The bladder can become weaker over time.

Via Canva.com

If you keep squatting over the toilet a lot, you’re actually making your pelvic muscles stay tight instead of relaxing. This can cause your bladder to get weaker as time goes on.

4. Do a full squat = Sit lower on the toilet.

Via Canva.com

The full squat is when you go down even lower than the regular half squat that you might do to avoid touching the toilet. This deeper position could actually be better for your health compared to just squatting halfway over the toilet. It helps to relax the muscles in your pelvis and bladder more effectively.

Do you do this when you pee in public restrooms? What other precautions would you take? Tell us in the comments.

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