With 90-inches of flowing brown locks, this real life Rapunzel has hair brushing the ground behind her

The woman, who refers to herself as a real-life Rapunzel, dedicates herself entirely to the care of her hair, which serves as both her passion and her livelihood.

Alia Nasyrova, aged 33, has cultivated her hair to an impressive length of 90 inches over the course of two decades, aspiring to resemble her beloved fairy tale character, Rapunzel.

The Latvian-born woman expressed, “I began to grow my hair because I have always had a fondness for long hair since my childhood. I was consistently drawn to the long-haired heroines depicted in fairy tales.” She further identifies herself as “a model with exceptionally long hair, and also a Queen of super long hair!”

Nasyrova, who sustains her livelihood through modeling on her website that provides exclusive content to subscribers, expresses her aspiration: “I envision traveling across the globe in search of long-haired women, sharing their stories and showcasing their beauty, which I regard as a form of art.”

The artwork of the long-haired beauty is a demanding endeavor, necessitating an hour of washing each day, a full day for air drying, and when she ventures out, her hair requires a dedicated bag containing 22 pounds of products, including shampoo, conditioner, and various hair accessories.

She additionally engages her soft brown hair in hair exercises while on a yoga mat.

Ivan Balaban, Nasroya’s husband, expressed his affection for her long brown hair; however, he makes a conscious effort to avoid interfering with it.

In a 2017 interview, he stated, “I consistently position myself against the wall to create additional space for the hair, ensuring that there is no possibility of accidentally damaging it, mixing it up, or causing any other form of harm.”

“I always talk to the braid respectfully. Sometimes I ask it to move a bit.”

Having hair long enough to sweep the ground behind can sometimes be tricky.

Nasyrova recounted, “During my childhood, while I was at the theatre, someone inadvertently left gum in my hair, which was quite a misfortune. I ultimately had to cut out a section of my hair to remove the gum, as it proved to be extremely challenging.”

Though the Latvian woman has shockingly long hair, Nasyrova does not hold the record for the longest hair.

As reported by the Guinness World Records (GWR), Xie Qiuping from China began cultivating her hair at the age of 13 in 1973, ultimately achieving a remarkable length of 18 feet 5 inches, thereby setting a new record.

GWR reports that her “hair is almost as long as an adult male giraffe is tall.”

It is a common consensus that hair care presents numerous challenges; therefore, we commend Alia Nasyrova for her remarkable patience and commitment in cultivating her beautiful long hair.

What are your thoughts on exceptionally long hair? Is it a style you would be comfortable maintaining, or do you favor a more manageable hair length?


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